


                                                       Here is Vogue contents page, the mast head is a large image in the left hand corner, it’s not centered as we would expect but it is still visable to the audience. There is a lot of text on this contents page, unlike the others I have looked at, this is not something I’d like to use in my magazine as I prefer the quick view and easy read. However for a magazine aimed at adults this would be a preferable option as they like to take more time to read and selected a section they wish to see. The mast heads are all with a bold read, this keeps it consistant and easy to view. There are only two pictures, again it keeps it simple and aviods making the page too busy and messy.

                   This contents page is from The Sunday Times Style magazine. The Style magazine is a supplement to the Sunday Times newspaper. This contents page is full of bold outlines which is something I’d like to use, they also use a range of text and how those are presented, for example or italics. the font size varies from line to line, this is due to whats a popular read and what can come second. I like their snappy lines for example “Page18 PROPER MADAM” and “Page4GIVE IT SOME LIP”. As my target market is a range of teenagers I think this would apply to them as they like funky designs. Headers have a visual background to outline the sections of the magazine, this allows the reader to identify quickly the title the wish to flick to.  


 I found this contents page from http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://kskillingchs.files.wordpress.com/2009/12/contents-1.jpg&imgrefurl=http://kskillingchs.wordpress.com/page/8/&h=749&w=585&sz=99&tbnid=bRlqVeBP0YQ3hM:&tbnh=90&tbnw=70&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dcontents%2Bpage%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=contents+page&docid=YczdUVp-EG73jM&hl=en&sa=X&ei=7QuxToTpLcuJhQejvKHVAg&ved=0CC4Q9QEwAg&dur=1077 again this magazine content pages involves many quick lines expressing the story in a few words, this I would like to include in my magazine as I see magazines aren’t a necessity in life they are an enjoyment, usually a quick read in between tasks therefore we don’t want to read long sentences which take a lifetime! The main idea about this contents page I like is the picture illustration with the page number on top of it, I love this visual idea and It’s really clear what you’re going to read for example the Page38 is an image of the blazing fire-place, this gives you a sense that you’re going to read about curing up in the evening, relaxing and possibly indulging yourself.

