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I have organised the colour and fixed the text and changed soe of the font. I now feel that my image of my model is a little pale, so I am going to use the burn tool to give her some colour on he face. experiementing with this will allow me to decide what will look best.





so far so good. I am making progress on the magazine cover by using the one above as a template! As I am using the new photoshop on a different computer I am struggling to change the colour of the text. I will upload another photo once I have worked out how to change it. The colour with be red.



using this website I was able to find the font that FILM use. I tried to use my own font but looking at film magazines I understood that this is a well recognised and known magazine to the readers.


current mag

after all of my changes I have decided I want to go back to my original images as I’m finding it really difficult to find colors which blend in well but still stand out from the grey background. I am now going to undo all of my changes. Its good development though as now I know I want to keep both magazine and poster really similar and consistent.


My title looks fat too simple and doesnt stand out so Im now plsying and experiementing around with the layer tools

by using this tool I could select areas especially around her hair which were still the bright green from the grass


both images for the cover are effective but Im going to ask my class mates to see which they think is most relevant and which works best with my trailer. Obviously I will change the font,size and colours of the surrounding text.


Here is the begining of my magazine cover, so far its really basic with only a few titles, I will post further print screen shots when I have developed it further.

