
Film Poster (Research)

Posted on: March 20, 2013

Part of the course requires me to produce a film poster. Posters are an important part of the film’s print marketing strategies. Posters are often displayed at bus stops, tube stations, magazines, cinemas. I feel they can be more they effective than advertising in a magazine as they reach out to a wider variety of audience .

As my film is Romantic comedy I am going to look at recent and older films that have been released at a similar story line and genre to explore their conventions and differences from a magazine cover. It is very important though that I keep in mind that my trailer, magazine cover and poster do look like they’re from the same film.

igivwI Give It A Year is a recent release, this was a poster I noticed on a bus stop. The film is about how a couple are lasting a year on from getting married. Staring Simon Baker from The Mentalist. The poster is simple however it gives a simple message. As the three couples sat on the sofa are giving away three different poses, one being happily in a relationship, the other content and the last fed up! The main photograph is in the center of the image, with two critics comments above and below, framing the image.

This is a successful poster and I feel puts the message of what the story line of the film is about but therefore doesn’t give anything away either.


Safe Haven is another new release which came out on valentine’s day this winter. Staring Julianna Hough. This cover features a large image of a couple of sharing a kiss. The background is a beach setting with sand and the sky, interestingly titles have been placed in the sky too, this may be so areas of the poster didn’t look too empty compared to the rest of the image. This gives the audience the impression that it is a romance/ chick flick film.

The actors hands are a prominent part to this poster as the rest of the image and their clothing is very dark when it contrasts with his hands. and her glowing face, indicating the ‘SAFE HAVEN’. The credits have been arranged in a conventional way by placing them towards the bottom of the poster as most film posters tend to do.


The Vow staring Rachel McAdams and Channing Tatum is a romantic drama released in february 2012

A car accident puts Paige in a coma, and when she wakes up with severe memory loss, her husband Leo works to win her heart again. This poster is alot like Safe Haven as the couple are embracing one another. This has helped me understand that I would like my model to be centered in my image rather than slightly to the left/right. The titles on each poster vary, this poster has it mid/lower with the actors names towards the top of the page. This is what I would like to acheive with my poster.

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