
Ident problems

Posted on: March 5, 2013

after following some of the steps to do the other ident I had in mind in my previous post, unfortunately it didn’t work as I don’t have sufficient ‘plug ins’. I have now decided to do some research into other production companies idents to see what they use and to look at my options.

Here is working title films production company Ident. they use a short film time to show different shapes winding into one another to unravel their production company name.

This is a youtube clip I found of many different idents from different production labels. The ident is used to identify the production label. It is a short visual image used usually at the begining of television programmes and also used in film before the trailer begins. When deciding on my trailer ident I wanted to use something which was relevant as production companies tend to produce a similar type of film, for example working title produce films that are appropriate for niche audiences and the mass film watching market. This is also where I would like my film to appeal to, linking to my target audience again. Using a mountain or lightening woulnd be appropriate, however having an underwater, or clouds would. I have chosen to use a serious of the same image with elements of colour and a flip chart effect, where I remove parts of the image as the ident plays.

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