
trailer essentials and tips…

Posted on: February 15, 2013

from our group discussions and talking in class we have shared ideas about how a trailer should be by analysing many of our own and identifyiong general trends and dos and don’ts. It is important that when Im filming that I follow my story board and make sure I plan each shot rather than having spur of the moment ideas. When making a trailer I also need to consider many elements such as lighting- that it is appropriate and that I have the correct angles that I wish to present. Displaying an illness in my trailer is going to be difficult to portray without stating the  .

obvious, I am going to watch more trailers now to see how they tackle it. I want my film to appeal to a wider audience than just young teenage girls, like myself. I’d like it to be appealing to a range of ages to both male and female, naturally, women are going to be more inclined to watch it as they are more emotionally attached and a film like this appeals much more to their liking. as I am aiming it to still be a social realism genre.

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