
Archive for February 2013

from our group discussions and talking in class we have shared ideas about how a trailer should be by analysing many of our own and identifyiong general trends and dos and don’ts. It is important that when Im filming that I follow my story board and make sure I plan each shot rather than having spur of the moment ideas. When making a trailer I also need to consider many elements such as lighting- that it is appropriate and that I have the correct angles that I wish to present. Displaying an illness in my trailer is going to be difficult to portray without stating the  .

obvious, I am going to watch more trailers now to see how they tackle it. I want my film to appeal to a wider audience than just young teenage girls, like myself. I’d like it to be appealing to a range of ages to both male and female, naturally, women are going to be more inclined to watch it as they are more emotionally attached and a film like this appeals much more to their liking. as I am aiming it to still be a social realism genre.

from analysing  many social realism I have decide that I would like to base my trailer on drama. the social realism element that I will be bringing into my trailer is the idea of life illnesses and terminal tradgadies . after watching my sister’s keeper, I felt that it was an appropriate film trailer that would grasp my viewers and feel and emotional bond, just like the trailers I have been analysing. Even though the trailers I have been analysing don’t have as much empathy as my sisters keeper, they do hold a strong sense on sympathy towards a character, this is therefore in keeping with the social realism factor.

I would like my trailer to present conventions of my sister’s keeper to do this I will use images on old family videos, I would like to portray something similar with my own. from this it will depict and lay the foundations. The start of my trailer will be uplifting and positive just like this trailer. By using old family videos or children and family playing and laughing makes the audience naturally inspired and consider their own family. despite my sister’s keeper being and American Hollywood film I am going to use many of the features that they have used but still be inkeeping with the social realism genre I have chosen. The trailer includes many close ups especially towards the start where the young girl is blowing bubbles, this assists the audience with their sympathy towards the family. Using these sorts of shots will be important within my trailer so I can identify where I want more intimate and sympathetic moments.

Throughout the trailer there are many voice overs which are non diagetic, they are moving and touching words which not only describe the situation the family are going through, but they identify the relationship that the family have together. examples of this are:

“Hey, whats your sign”
“cancer, no I’m a leo, but I have cancer”

“Beneath the exterior there are cracks, resentments, that threaten the very foundation of our lives”

“we went against nature, we forced her to helping her sister”

“I dont mind my disease killing me, but it’s killing my family too”

The voice overs at the beginning of the film contradict what the images show, the young girl, Kate, who is speaking explains how she was born to keep her sister alive, with syncronising images and footage being shown.

once the foundations have been set and the music changes, an esttablishing shot is taken. At 48 seconds (Which is quite a way through a trailer as it is only 2.32 duration time, there are title which say “based on the novel by Jodi Picoult” I dont wish to use this in mine as it will be a Bristish based film therefore not enough viewers to have a novel as well.

