
Archive for November 2012

Submarine is a film we watched as a class towards the end of last year written and directed by Richard Ayoade, I really enjoyed the content of the film and therefore want to analyse the trailer in more detail.Submarine is a specific arthouse genre and therfore does not stand out amungst the typical Brisitish film. I find that a few films I have watched lack in either the trailer content, meaning that the film is better than the trailer. The beinging is an ident of a type writter displaying letters of the director and film company behind a beautiful setting of the coat and sea. however this is over shaddowed by a thick dark cloud, which could be displaying pathetic fallacy or that there is bad things to come. The ident then follows onto a simple collection of 3 images flashed onto the screen ‘The Weinstein Company” “national lottery funding” and “FILM4”.

The opening scene is an extreme long shot of Oliver sat on a rock or a bench infront of a very calm sea front, he is narrating and introducing himself. Many zooms are included in the next few shots of him, and they are all originally long shots, this is instantly displaying himself being the main charecter within the film. The music thats used which is non diagetic, is something that I’d like to take into my own trailer, the use of gituar or voilin strings being strung is a lovely opening sound. its not too heavy and therefore clashes with the story line or takes attenion away from what Oliver is telling us. Even more establishing shots of empty,unused spaces with Oliver in the centre are shown, this reflects that he is possibly quite an outsider and may not have a group of friends.

Throughout the trailer the typewritter is a commonly used sound and object which reoccurs, images such as this one are played, theyre almost like subheadings to inform us of the title or subject change.

introducing his family included

