
Archive for February 2012






 Much of my images don’t need any editing as I love how fresh they are but here I used a tool in Photoshop called the spot healing brush tool, it allows you to brush over wrinkles,bags and blemishes to form a fresh complexion.

 Vogue’s issues always tend to inspire me and how they choose the layout their images and where their font is placed. On the contents page Kelly Brooke is their model and their masthead and name of the magazine is place over lapping the image, I want to aim to do this with my magazine contents page, but I think this maybe difficult to do as its only a two letter title. They clearly place the cover page story in the biggest font ontop of the photography, this allows the reader and consumer to veiw the cover story that caught their eye.

Listing contents pages is a better way of displaying where and what page each item and who is featuring in the article efficently, again Vogue group items of relevance together such as home, Vogue loves etc.

Looking at contents pages and researching them before I design my own is extremely important, not only the design but it is the second page that a consumer is going to see. It helps them to navigate their way around the magazine to a particualr section that is desired. It allows them to see what is featured on what page, instead of having to flick through all the pages.


Here Vogue have used quite a standardised contents page, I like the idea of large number which then guide you to relevant page you would like to select to read. The contents page is sectioned off into areas of interest and labelled The cover of this edition and the contents page are both similar colours and therefore consistent. My contents page I would love to use a picture as a background but I don’t know if this would be effective or just make my contents page look far too busy and messy.


This contents page is displayed over a double page, allowing much more illustration and text to have a better understanding of whats inside this edition of Glamour magazine. each of their products which they’re advertising and the masthead and the models shirt each identify and correspond the same idea of themes, the orange,reds and yellows bring warmth to the reader. having a colour theme I think is really important even if it’s a consistency with text, this allows easy links to be achieved and a consistent reading pattern, rather than swapping from many different colours and themes which are busy and difficult to read.

Beneath the title and masthead is the website adress for their magazine, and an issue date. this is an important factor as it allows the reader to look further into the brand of magazine and gain further info and gossip online. this is also present on their front cover which gives continuity.

 This contents page caught my with its symmetrical layout, even though Im not doing a double page contents page I really like the centered lines. having titles to catagorise and guide the audience is important as it puts each story and feature to the magazine.


So far so good, Im really pleased with how my picture looks along with the mast head and coverlines, a few more stories and I will be complete. Now time to start researching contents pages!

Here is a contact sheet including the rest of my images that I want to use for my double page spread and possibly on my contents page. I love how different they are to my other shoot, even though theyre similar poses the positioning and setting surrounding my subject represents my music magazine very well.















oust… and the conservatory is gone

This is the image I have chosen to use as my front cover, as the background had the conservatory in, it made my photo look interupted at drew the eye away from my model, I used the clonde tool to create more bushes and trees to cover up this area!


















These images are two of my favourites, they both identify my specification points and really emphasise my natural look of country. Both images were from the same shoot and I am weary of the backgrounds of both images, I am now going to try to crop out her hands from image one as pink nail varnish if very outstanding and would complete the image if I were to remove and crop her hands out, on image 2 I love her side pose and her positioning towards the camera, the problem is the conservatory in the background which I can hopefully disguise.





After doing my shoot its inspired me in many other ways, I have now organised my second shoot for the end of this week. As my memory on the school computer is full half of my images will be uploaded at a later stage. Here is a contact sheet of half my shoot


