
School Magazine Analysis

Posted on: September 18, 2011

Tallulah Falls School is a independent day and boarding school. Their magazine is published monthly to inform students, parents and outsiders about the on goings in school and recent activities that have taken place. The masthead is the visual branding of the title, the name of the school is written is a soft font, with ‘magazine’ presented in italics, each magazine also has a continuation and recognisable cover with the band of green on the top and bottom of the cover.

The main photo on the cover is a representation of student work, with white text on top to allow the audience to read easily and capture a glimpse of what’s inside.

However this magazine cover holds little information and isn’t as eye-catching as it could be, for example more stories could be added the text to inform the reader about other school activities, the white text could also be made a little bolder as from a distance it is hard to make out what has been written, overall I personally feel that this magazine could hold more focus on headline stories and small images on the edge to interest in other school activities.

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