
Archive for September 2011

Vogue is a fashion and lifestyle magazine that is published monthly, which many women state as their must have for the month. It provides women with the essential fashion criterias and the goings on within the industry. The subject of the cover is Kate Moss, an english supermodel, know for her edgy figure and heroin addiction, drug chick.

Vogue always keep their masthead consistent so that their market know and can instantly recognise their product. Kate is dressed in a hooded jacket, with a small vest top underneath, this portrays her almost as if shes been out the night before, a ‘just woken up look’ (which only she could pull off). There are many coverlines, for example “KATE MOSS STYLE” which incise the reader.

I really like how subtle this cover is and how the colours blend into one another, it gives a relaxed mood yet with huge stories inside, I’d like to bring this sort of element into my magazine cover 🙂


  • Now we’ve settled down into media, we have begun to look at camera work and identifying how a camera works and the different types of movement.
  •  High-angle shot: this involved looking down from above, this gives the idea of the character looking vulnerable, naive and powerless.
  • low-angle shot:looking up from below,giving the idea that the subject is powerful, almost an alpha male, it also gives the idea of strength.
  • Point of view: imagine of what the character is looking at.
  • Zoom:the camera does not move! just the lense.
  • Medium shot (MS):Veiw of the whole character.
  • Close up (CU):Shot of their head and shoulders.
  • Extreme close up (ECU): Image of the characters eyes.

  • Pan: where the camera pans around the room in a circular motion.
  • Whip Pan: REALLY fast.
  • Tracking shot: where the camera moves along a track which looks like a train track, they do this for sports races like athletics.
  • Tilt: where the camera tilts upwards or down.
  • Extreme long shot:Identifies the setting and often makes it feel alone and abandoned.

this summer edition of Tallulah Falls school magazine instantly gives you the idea of the weather and sort of activities that are being demonstrated at the school. It identifies the school as an outside school, with the idea of not just being an academic society. Again they have used a similar font for the cover which gives the idea of consistency.

The magazine does have a selling line, as the underlying idea of school is to promote success and achievement, therefore students buying or reading this exam may read an article on how to revise sufficiently or how to organise their time wisely.

the model/subject on the magazine is also wearing a helmet, this shows the safety involved and responsibility. The use of blur in the background allows us to focus on the subject and not to be distracted with other elements. The subtle font colour gives the idea that its summer and everyone’s relaxed, however I like how they’ve used a bold outline to highlight the important words they want you to notice.

Interpretation of media.

Tallulah Falls School is a independent day and boarding school. Their magazine is published monthly to inform students, parents and outsiders about the on goings in school and recent activities that have taken place. The masthead is the visual branding of the title, the name of the school is written is a soft font, with ‘magazine’ presented in italics, each magazine also has a continuation and recognisable cover with the band of green on the top and bottom of the cover.

The main photo on the cover is a representation of student work, with white text on top to allow the audience to read easily and capture a glimpse of what’s inside.

However this magazine cover holds little information and isn’t as eye-catching as it could be, for example more stories could be added the text to inform the reader about other school activities, the white text could also be made a little bolder as from a distance it is hard to make out what has been written, overall I personally feel that this magazine could hold more focus on headline stories and small images on the edge to interest in other school activities.

                                                             First lesson:  Who say what to whom, through which channel, and to what effect

          who- Producers

what- Text

Whom– Audience/ target market

Channel- ipad,magazine,internet (through what media)

effect- the impact it gives upon the audience

Media studies is the examination of the interpretation and explanation of Media. How we are familiar with it is called the mass media which refers to a collection of many types of communications such as magazines, television, radio, internet and print.


Over my first few lessons we touched on magazine elements, this document contains the ins and outs of a magazine cover which I will be using to assist me while I experiemnt with many types of magazine genres, starting with school magazines.

after many attempts

